MatataLab Rounds Off Extremely Successful Kickstarter Campaign
Over 200% of Kickstarter Goal for Educational Robot Reached
December 20, Shenzhen ChinaMATATALAB CO., LTD. Since the launch of its Kickstarter campaign for the MatataLab robot, we’ve seen a tremendous positive response from parents and education professionals. With the enormous success of the campaign, it attained over 200% of its funding goal, MatataLab has been picked up by various educational institutions around the world, allowing MatataLab to already specific countries didactic institutions. Specific courses for the United States, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands are ready to be rolled out along with MatataLab sets for educational professionals. With prototyping, manufacturing, testing, and certification performed by Palo Alto CA. based SVV (Shenzhen Valley Ventures), getting MatataLab in the hands of backers on time is a guarantee as they have managed multiple successful crowd-sourcing campaigns.
The strength of MatataLab is that it is based on an open, image recognition system, the images are highly connected to our daily lives and those of young children, this way everyone can understand and interact with MatataLab. The visual input also ensures the expandability of coding, simply by defining the icon the Matatabot can understand what action to perform. It is the same logic engineers use in a coding language. Using physical coding blocks instead of smart-phones or tablets.
MatataLab evolves for educational use
With further development of MatataLab in full swing, we’re still expanding the way children interact with MatataLab as a toy and educational tool. With backing goals exceeded, the Kickstarter campaign saw extra stretch goals achieved to let children enjoy the MatataLab universe even more. The focus is of MatataLab is making MatataLab fun for children to play and interact with, this is one of the key feedback points MatataLab received while interacting with kindergarten kids during recent playtests. MatataLabs looks to be the educational tool for Children to use regardless of the knowledge of the parents or the teachers.
MatataLab sets up worldwide distribution partnership for Preschool Market
Besides the successful Kickstarter campaign, the MatataLab team also received positive feedback from global educational partners. To this date, MatataLab has already set-up distribution partnerships in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Benelux, Germany, Scandinavia, and China. MatataLab is still actively looking for partners in the Americas and Asia Pacific regions. Interested partners can contact MatataLab via
See the wonder of MatataLab in person in 2018
MatataLab will join the HK Toys & Games Fair (January 8-11), the Bett Show in London (January 24 – 27) and the Nuremberg International Toy Fair 2018 (January 31 – February 4) to allow educators another first-hand look at MatataLab to see how it’s a perfect tool for STEAM education. Visitors are welcome to visit the MatataLab booths at these shows, and experience what makes MatataLab so unique as an educational toy.
MATATALAB CO., LTD. is young start-up company, founded in early 2017 by a team of four robot developers who, as their own children entered kindergarten, dreamed of combining their passion with their children’s education. Partnering with great educational minds, and with a background at the world’s biggest internet companies, the team behind MatataLab strives to provide an equal opportunity learning experience for children through simple logic and robotics. Find out more at