B2B/Embedded/Electronics/AI PR

B2B/Embedded/Electronics/AI PR

Boost your B2B technology brand with our specialized PR services.

GlobalPR has a proven track record of collaborating with clients across diverse ICT solutions, including ICT solutions, LED lights and diodes, microcontrollers, server storage solutions, server chassis and mainboards, chip design services, embedded systems, digital signage, 5G solutions, and software applications for 5G security and more.

With GlobalPR, your strategic initiatives are supported by targeted PR campaigns that drive long-term growth, mitigate risks, and position your brand as an important player in your industry.

The GlobalPR B2B technology public relations team will identify specialized publishers in your industry and connect with the journalists on the editorial team who cover products and solutions similar or compatible with what your company creates.

If your company is not yet known in the market, we will introduce and promote your business, raising awareness about what sets you apart. To get you the editorial coverage we will ensure that the news team of each publication is informed about your latest products and solutions and will constantly look out of other editorial opportunities.

By securing key media coverage for your business within your industry, you can effectively address the frustration and helplessness stemming from unengaged prospects and poor ROI at trade shows.

Implementing a targeted public relations approach to garner industry-specific media coverage will greatly enhance and expedite the success of your company's sales and marketing endeavors, leading to increased inbound inquiries for your sales team in the interim between trade shows.

Our expert team helps you move beyond the mistaken belief that attending trade shows or relying solely on product quality will guarantee success. By actively promoting your brand, we support your sales teams and local channel activities for sustained growth and long-term success.

Key Services

  • Media Outreach: Connect with top-tier industry media, journalists and influencers to enhance your brand’s visibility.

  • Product Reviews: Increase credibility with detailed reviews by leading industry media.

  • Event Support: Maximize the impact of trade shows and industry events with our strategic event planning and media coverage.

  • Content Marketing: Engage your audience with high-quality content that showcases your technological innovations.

  • Social Media Management: Strengthen your social media presence with targeted strategies to connect with your audience.

  • Press Releases: Craft compelling press releases that capture your brand's message and attract media attention.

  • Case Studies and Success Stories: Showcase your success with detailed case studies and success stories.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Find answers to common questions about our services and how we can help your business succeed.

  • Customer Testimonials: Hear from our satisfied clients about their experiences working with GlobalPR.

Quick Action Step

How do you assess how your company fares against the market leaders?

Are you aware of specialized B2B, IT, or electronics publications that cover products similar to yours in your target country?

Even if you don't understand the language, find the search box on the relevant websites and type the product and brand name of the market leader in that country.

Compare these results with those for your company.
Was your company mentioned at all in the past year?
How does your presence compare to that of your competitors?
Discuss internally whether this is a situation your company can afford to maintain.

Contact Us

Are you prepared to take your B2B technology brand to new heights?
Don't hesitate to reach out to GlobalPR today!

Discover the power of our specialized PR services and how they can propel your company to the forefront of industry visibility, forge deeper connections, and achieve long-lasting success.

Begin the transformation of your company's trajectory by completing the form below.