Press Conferences in Taiwan

Press Conferences

Organizing a successful press conference in Taiwan requires more than just logistical planning—it demands cultural insight, local expertise, and a strategic approach to media engagement. At GlobalPR, we specialize in delivering press conferences that not only meet but exceed your expectations, driving brand visibility and establishing your company as a key player in the Taiwanese market.

Our press conference services are fully aligned with your company’s strategic goals, ensuring that every aspect of the event contributes to long-term success in Taiwan.

From selecting the right venue to preparing bilingual press materials, our team handles all the details, ensuring a seamless and impactful event that captures the attention of both local and international media.

Quick Action Step

  1. Event Planning and Coordination:
    • Our team handles all aspects of planning and coordination, ensuring a seamless and professional event. This includes selecting the venue, managing invitations, and coordinating with speakers.

  2. Bilingual Hosting:
    • We provide bilingual hosts fluent in both Chinese and English to ensure clear communication with all attendees. This is crucial for engaging both local and international media.

  3. Venue Selection:
    • We help you choose a centrally located venue in a major city like Taipei, ensuring it is easily accessible and has the necessary facilities such as AV equipment and seating.

  4. Press Materials Preparation:
    • Our team creates comprehensive press kits, including press releases, fact sheets, company backgrounders, speaker bios, and high-quality images. All materials are available in both traditional Chinese and English.

  5. Catering and Decorations:
    • We organize catering services tailored to local tastes, and handle decorations such as posters and banners to ensure the venue is visually appealing and on-brand.

  6. Media Outreach and Invitations:
    • We develop a targeted media list and handle the invitation process, ensuring key journalists and influencers attend your press conference. Follow-up calls and personal emails are used to confirm attendance.

  7. Technical and On-Site Support:
    • Our team ensures all technical aspects, including AV equipment and microphones, are tested and functioning. We provide on-site support to manage registration, coordinate media interactions, and handle any issues that arise.

  8. Live Event Coverage:
    • We offer live coverage of the event through social media and other channels, providing real-time updates and engaging with your audience online.

  9. Post-Event Follow-Up:
    • After the press conference, we distribute digital press kits to attendees and those who could not attend, share recorded footage, and monitor media coverage. We provide insights and share coverage with key stakeholders.


Key Considerations for Organizing a Press Conference in Taiwan

  • Understanding Local Media Preferences: Taiwanese journalists prefer receiving information in traditional Chinese. GlobalPR will ensure all press materials and communications are localized effectively.

  • Selecting the Right Time and Date: Schedule your press conference on a weekday, preferably in the late morning or early afternoon, avoiding major holidays and competing events.

  • Ensuring Bilingual Communication: Provide bilingual hosts and translators to facilitate communication between local and international attendees.

  • Offering Local Hospitality: Provide refreshments and snacks that cater to local tastes and offer small branded tokens as a gesture of appreciation.

Contact Us

Is your company considering making a lasting impact with a professionally organized press conference in Taiwan? Contact GlobalPR today to learn more about our comprehensive press conference services and how we can help your company achieve greater visibility, stronger engagement, and lasting success.

Fill out the form below to get started on transforming your company’s perception in Taiwan.